Mar 5
XVX: Is there a such thing as a vegan straightedge lesbian or queer?
Posted on Friday, March 5, 2010 in Personal ads
I am starting to lose hope. I’d settle for someone really intelligent but I haven’t been able to find that either. I haven’t been on a date in months but there’s really no one I am too interested in dating. Punk grrrls are rare. Lesbian punk grrrls even rarer. Throw in wanting someone who’s vegan and straightedge into the mix – no luck for me.
I don’t want someone -exactly- like me but I would prefer someone with the same foundations; political, spiritually, and dietary. The type of grrrl I want isn’t on or anywhere that I can see. Maybe she doesn’t exist. I want a monogamous vegan atheist straightedge anarchist female-bodied queer or lesbian. Am I the only one?