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Aug 3

Quitting: I can’t get laid because of capitalism.

Posted on Tuesday, August 3, 2010 in Anarchy, Personal ads

Alright, I’ve been thinking about doing this for sometime. I usually don’t give up on things. However, it’s been almost three years and my attempt to find a suitable girl to date has been very unsuccessful. I’ve tried four major cities: San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, and San Diego. I can’t find anyone who’s intelligent, kind, compassionate, creative, that intrigues me. I’ve tried every online dating service known to man and gone to all the events I could go to. I’ve volunteered and put on shows. I handed out hundreds of flyers and organized different groups. I’ve done everything I could to put myself out there to meet people. I even tried speed dating. Yes, I’ve done it all and I am pretty certain that there’s no one I am compatible with. So, I am giving up. I am fine and happy with myself. I don’t need anyone. I am beginning to think the idea of being with someone is probably better than the actual reality.

I have no idea what girls want. I refuse to stop being straightforward and honest. I refuse abuse, objectify, or disrespect another human. No one wants someone intelligent, kind, and loyal. I’m a catch but there’s no one suitable to be caught by so I’m done.

If someone wants to court me, they can try, but I am pretty jaded and over the whole idea of ever having a mate. I’ve been on this planet for over a quarter of a century and haven’t even found anyone worth sharing a first sober (I’ve been drunk once and kiss a friend but stopped because I was drunk and there wasn’t consent – end of story) kiss with so I don’t think more time is the answer. It’s just further proof that under the current capitalistic system that produces cogs instead of freethinkers – that caring, loving, good humans aren’t produced. If our system valued compassion over domination and greed maybe I could find a mate. I can’t get laid because of capitalism.

May 12

Does “Punk” Need Capitalism?

Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 in Punk Rock 101

I was talking to a friend today and I pointed out how in a capitalistic society there is no way to be a “true punk”. However, she pointed out to me that “punk” needs capitalism to exist. I thought about and I think she’s incorrect. Punk would exist under any other form of government (even if only in secret). As long as there is angry people and something to be upset about and people always find something to be upset about – there will always be “punk.”

Wealth isn’t a prerequisite for punk. At first glance, it looks like “punk” and capitalism are intertwined. That an excess of time, money, and education is required for “punk” but that is not the case. I saw the documentary “The Punks Are Alright” and it was about punks from first world countries to third world countries. The punks from first world countries had more style and made better noise because they had time and money. But, in the third world, the punk scene was/is huge in Indonesia. Even though the people didn’t have the wealth that capitalism provides being the cheap labor the system thrives off of, they still rage against the machine. Even though they only had the resources to have band practice twice a year – they still had bands. Even during fascist regimes that kill off people for opposing: resistance exists. The people just go into hiding and underground. No system is “perfect” and there will always be something to be pissed off about.

It just so happens that our current establishment, the capitalistic system, foundation is based on have’s and have nots. Which has people angry – reasonably so. However, if we did have a system of true democracy, freedom, and justice for all – there would still be people who would oppose it for whatever reason. Not all punk is about freedom but all punk is about being angry at the establishment. As long as there is an establishment and society can’t exist without it, there will always be punk.

Punk is not dependent on “capitalism” or any system except the need for something to oppose. There is always something to oppose so there will always be “punk.”

Dec 24

On Greed and Selfishness

Posted on Thursday, December 24, 2009 in Theories

I was talking to my doctor the other day and the issue of human greed came up.  Are humans inherently greedy?  I personally believe the answer to the question is “No.”  My doctor tried to used the example of how the world is today but what my doctor was forgetting is that the sample population being looked at was only 1% of all humans who ever lived on this planet.  It is my argument that it’s the way it currently is in the world is because of how we teach people to be.  That greed and selfishness isn’t human nature as society likes to preach.

The problem in society is based in the foundation.  That foundation is capitalism.  Capitalism teaches us to be greedy and selfish.  The winners in capitalism are those who exploit, legally rob, and cheat the most people.  Success isn’t measured by how many smiles you bring into the world but by how much money one makes.

Things have only been “this way” for the last 10,000 years.  Before that, humans and the planet were getting along just fine.  The problem started when man decided that the earth belong to him instead of the fact that man belongs to the earth.  I am not saying civilization is inherently bad – the Greeks and the Romans did just fine without causing the destruction on the planet we are now.  Man needs to learn to have the damage done to the planet and the planet’s ability to replenish itself  in sync.

I argue if we were to have a system based on community, sharing, and brotherhood – we would have a different world.  If parents didn’t raise their children to put “me” first.  If we taught that treating others with respect, compassion, and kindness instead of being taught that everything is a commodity.

Even the way we relate to people in retail and service reflects how capitalism has brainwashed society.  We do not see the salespeople as humans who have a family at home and their own problems.  If we did, people wouldn’t get half as mean, nasty, or upset.  We’re so conditioned that we don’t even see having the right to chose what to eat, where to shop, and what to wear as having a privilege.  Most retail stores remove all human aspects from their presentation – with each store, no matter where you are in the world – having the exact same service and the exact same product.  Cookie cutter products for cookie cutter people who like to believe they are “unique.”  It’s all a lie.

A few stores, like Costco have policies that none of their products can come from sweatshop labor.  But, we as consumers are so far removed from the way things are produced that we allow inhumane treatment for our mass produce goods.  Most of the time, people’s clothes are more well traveled than the wearer.  Most people don’t even think about the person who made it – how they have families, problems, and poverty.  We need to focus on having a human community were everyone gets their share.  Global wealth created global poverty.

I think this is one of the harder concepts I have to get people to wrap their heads around.  For every action, there is a reaction.  The reaction of having rich is that we have the poor.  In other countries, there is a limit to how much a CEO can earn.  It makes the gap between the rich and poor less so people are more level.  Not that there isn’t rich and poor, but really, how many yachts do you need?  And how many children die of hunger a day?  Think about it.

One of the main problems is that we are conditioned to not think about it and accept the motto, “This is the way things have always been.”  This is false.  We can change the world and make it a beautiful place for everyone if we just cared a little and put some thought into what we consume.